Monday, October 31, 2011

A not-so-scary wolf spider

I've missed a couple of weeks from Illustration Friday due to being ill, but I'm back this week with a vengeance! This week's topic was scary - presumably in honour of Halloween - so I decided to draw a spider.

However, I think you'll agree that mine is more cute than scary!

He needs a caption - something like: Where's MY cookie?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Remote controlled telepathic fish juggler

Just a little something I sketched in my lunch break today. This is my first attempt at an Illustration Friday topic: contraption.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Another new blog...

Due to my general busyness (& slackness!), I am still yet to either rework my design portfolio website or to get my creative folio website off the ground.

But, I have been managing to spend some time being crafty of late, and have recently been revisiting my love for sketching. There's been a few robot and creatures so far, and I am hoping to keep expanding my sketching skills with LOT more practice. I've been uploading pics to Instagram in the short term:

A "not at all scary Wampa" (

Taking advice from a good friend at work, I have signed up for the 'Illustration Friday' emails and am hoping to post my drawings for the subjects here on this blog. For those of you who don't know what Illustration Friday is, check this link:

Looks good, yeah?

So, keep tuned for some sketchy craziness coming in the near future - I might even get around to updating the design of this blog to incorporate original sketches one day... lol

'til next time!